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ASUS System Management Software User’s Manual
ASWM for Linux
Health: MB Voltages
The page shows data supplied by
the many motherboard’s voltage
Health: Power Supply
The page consist of two parts: The
status of each power module and
the status of the power fans.
Power Module Status
Reports the status and values of
each power monitor. A warning will
be made if power cord or power
module fails or is unplugged.
Power Fan Status
Reports the status of the power fan
in the power modules. If the power
fan fails, the system will shutdown
and a record will be made in the
system event log.
NOTE: The values shown in this section are for reference purposes
only and may not reflect the values shown by your system. The
pictures shown will vary depending on server model and configuration.
Click on a link in the Health window
to show detailed health information
and threshold settings.